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I get emotional everytime I watch. Please take a few minutes and listen to this video. (There's also a documentary called "Playing for Change" on

March 12, 2009

Sharon's Cabinate Card Swap

These are my first cabinet cards


Elena said...

Lil!!! Love your cabinet cards!!! I am so jealous right now!!! I haven't even started on that swap OR the Provence swap and you are done with both!!! They are spectacular cookie - great job!

Anonymous said...


trisha too said...

wow, Lillian, these are nice! did you do them on actual cabinet cards?

Diana said...

Lill! I just love your blog and your cabinet cards are just wonderful! Now, did you use the whole, original card, or did you scan and use a good copy? It kills me to use the real thing, but that's just me!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Loving the altered backgrounds, most!

Anonymous said...

These are WONderful!!! :)

Mary S. Hunt said...

i don't know what a cabinet card is
or it is intended for
but these are just lovely!

tracyozzie said...

These are just wonderful. Beautiful art pieces.

Suze said...

Hi Lillian, love your blog, you have certainly been busy, these cabinet cards are great !!!

Kim said...

These are wonderful! Cabinet cards never looked so well!

Anonymous said...

These cabinet cards are beautiful! And the rest of your work is very impressive. I'm glad I stopped by :-)
Lisa C

Anonymous said...

Hi Lill,,,another lovely project of work always very inspiring. Your biggest fan,

Michi Michaelson, Orange County, CA said...

Hi Lillian!
Your altered cabinet cards are LOVELY!!!!!

bockel24 said...

These are lovely, Lillian! Isn´t it fun to give those persons a new life by inventing a story for them?